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Showing posts from February, 2018

Adventure 1 - A Disappearance in Bronston

The party: Sam - Vindicare, Tiefling Paladin Kasey - Thia, Wood Elf Rogue Danny - Oorick, Gnome Druid Rachel - Sylviel, Half-Elf Ranger Amanda - Elianna, Wood Elf Barbarian How the Party Met: They each joined an adventurer's league from Tarantia, a hub of commerce and jewel of civilization in the south.  Leaving the city, they faced many adventures together but their troupe fell apart.  One by one people left for a multitude of reasons (usually death).  When we begin, their league had fallen apart and the party had been adventuring together for about two years on their own, mostly taking up small jobs (a goblin in the wood pile, a worg eating a farmer's livestock) but they had recently decided to take up a more grand - more noteworthy - adventure... The Adventure:   The Duke of the Eastlands, Gaston Cuthbert, residing over Bronston - a jumbled mess of a city - has sent word abroad of his missing son, Curtis.  He is offering a heaping helping of gold to anyone who c